MAG 35: The Unarchiver, OS X Character Palette, Online Training Discounts

Mac App Guide (HD video) show

Summary: If you are tired of the limited file support that OS X's built-in archive utility has, you'll definitely want to get this great freeware app! Open zip, ace, rar, 7z, sit, gzip, tar, exe, hqx, lha, and more! Instantly access the OS X character palette from anywhere in the OS, and learn how to get sweet discounts for online tech training. Mac App Guide is a weekly video podcast. Visit for more information, complete show notes, and to subscribe for free! Keywords best, free, software, reviews, mac os x, freeware, mac app guide, snow leopard, tutorial, how to, market vision media, tips and tricks, the unarchiver, stuffit, winrar, character palette, power user training discount