MAG 52: Magic Mouse on Steroids with MagicPrefs

Mac App Guide (HD video) show

Summary: Today we bring you a great freeware app that allows you to easily change the color of your dock. We also show you how to add in spacers between applications to fine-tune your layout, and we announce the winners of the Art Text 2 software giveaway! Mac App Guide is a weekly video podcast. Visit for more information, complete show notes, and to subscribe for free! DockColor: Dock Spacers terminal code: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{tile-data={}; tile-type="spacer-tile";}' killall Dock Background design courtesy of Congrats to the Art Text giveaway winners: Twitter users davidltorres, lexonex, & tearjack! Episode Sponsors: Yazsoft, the makers of Playback Objective Development, the creators of LaunchBar 5 Mac App Guide is produced by Market Vision Media Keywords best, free, software, reviews, mac os x, freeware, mac app guide, snow leopard, tutorial, how to, market vision media, tips and tricks, giveaways, DockColor, Dock Spacers, Art Text