MAG 57: Fix Final Cut Studio With These Useful Utilities

Mac App Guide (HD video) show

Summary: For anyone that's a FCS (Final Cut Studio) user, you know that simple little quirks in the preference or other configuration files can disable certain functionality or even make the software stop working altogether. Today I show you two useful free utilities for dealing with your Final Cut Studio woes, FCS Remover, and Preference Manager. Also, I discuss virtual memory and the effect it has on system performance. Today's episode is sponsored by: Yazsoft, the creators of ShareTool Objective Development, the makers of LaunchBar Mac App Guide is a weekly video podcast for Mac Users. Subscribe today to get in on the best software, tips, training, and giveaways available in the Mac community! Keywords best, free, software, reviews, mac os x, freeware, mac app guide, snow leopard, tutorial, how to, market vision media, tips and tricks, FCS, Final Cut Studio