The Functional Nerds Podcast show

Summary: 022 The Functional Nerds In the 22nd episode of The Functional Nerds, Patrick Hester and John Anealio are joined by Z from Hipster Please - together, we chat with Kyle Stevens & Jim Demonakos - better known as Kirby Krackle!  We chat about: Nerd Rock, Voltron: the music writing machine, music, the song writing process, Lennon / McCartney, Taupin/John, Comiccon, Alpha Flight, E for Everyone, the Great Lakes Avengers, On and On, Music videos, PAX, Mega-man, Ring Capacity, Up up down down, geeks are sexy, the Esacpist, Pearl Jam, Fan Expo in Toronto, Ustream & the Green Lantern Movie. Featuring Music clips by: Kirby Krackle: Secret Identity The Great Lakes Avengers Up, Up, Down, Down Teabagged Ring Capacity © 2010 Patrick Hester & John Anealio Music © Kirby Krackle used with their permission Support Kirby Krackle by purchasing their music: Help get @kirbykrackle's song 'Ring Capacity' on the Green Lantern Movie Soundtrack - join the Facebook Group today: