Episode 084 – Karin Lowachee and Gabrielle Gantz

The Functional Nerds Podcast show

Summary: In Episode 84 of the Functional Nerds podcast, Patrick Hester and John Anealio welcome Karin Lowachee and Gabrielle Gantz. About Karin: Karin was born in South America, grew up in Canada, and worked in the Arctic. Her first novel WARCHILD won the 2001 Warner Aspect First Novel Contest. Both WARCHILD (2002) and her third novel CAGEBIRD (2005) were finalists for the Philip K. Dick Award. CAGEBIRD won the Prix Aurora Award in 2006 for Best Long-Form Work in English and the Spectrum Award also in 2006. Her second novel BURNDIVE debuted at #7 on the Locus Bestseller List. Her books have been translated into French, Hebrew, and Japanese. Her current fantasy novel, THE GASLIGHT DOGS, was published through Orbit Books USA in April 2010. About Gabrielle: Gabrielle Gantz is a book publicist by day and raging fangirl by night (and early morning). Instead of doing normal social things she reads and attends literary events. In the past, Gabrielle has contributed to the Portland Book Review. She currently conducts author interviews for The Faster Times and The Nervous Breakdown. Gabrielle’s book interests include (but are not limited to): literary fiction, science fiction, fantasy, philosophy, and technology. Links: Karin Lowachee (author's website) Karin on Twitter Gabrielle Gantz (blogs) Gabrielle on Twitter © 2011 Patrick Hester and John Anealio This podcast features original music by John Anealio.