Epsiode 092 – Howard Andrew Jones and Paul S. Kemp

The Functional Nerds Podcast show

Summary: In episode 92 of the Functional Nerds podcast, Patrick Hester and John Anealio welcome authors Howard Andrew Jones and Paul S. Kemp. About Howard Howard is the author of The Desert of Souls (Thomas Dunne Books 2011), a historical fantasy set in the 8th century Abbasid caliphate featuring the characters Dabir and Asim, who’ve been appearing in a variety of short fiction venues since 2000. His Pathfinder novel, Plague of Shadows, appeared in March of 2011. His collection of Dabir and Asim short stories, The Waters of Eternity, became available in e-form from Thomas Dunne Books in November of 2011. More Dabir and Asim novels will follow, and he has recently signed to write a sequel to Plague of Shadows. About Paul Paul is a writer of speculative fiction, sword and sorcery scribe, Star Wars and Forgotten Realms author, creator of Erevis Cale and Egil and Nix.  His books include The Erevis Cale Trilogy, Shadow's Witness, The Twilight War Trilogy, War of the Spider Queen, and the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels: Crosscurrent, The Old Republic: Deceived & Riptide. Links: Howard Andrew Jones (author's website) Howard on Twitter Paul S. Kemp (author's website) Paul on Twitter © 2012 Patrick Hester and John Anealio This podcast features original music by John Anealio.