EPISODE92 - Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc

Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc show

Summary: Discussion today included: Kat gives a listener a Switchphrase for using when taking his car in for servicing, to help make sure his car gets well taken care of. Kat talks about how Weston A. Price, a dentist, in the 1930s found diet closely related to dental problems. Eating foods your ancestors ate can be very important for health. Kat discusses copper/zinc imbalance and how an overabundance of copper can be part of the problem in fibromyalgia. Kat lists the foods that help to bind with copper and pull it from the body. Read more at: http://www.hm.ehdef.com and http://www.westonaprice.org/moderndiseases/copper-zinc-imbalance.html Kat gives a list of Switchwords and Switchphrases to help deal with encounters with specific astrological signs, elements and imbalances. Kat gives Switchwords to help a listener focus and complete tasks. Discussion of REACH, WATCH, CONSIDER and CONTINUE and how children innately use those Switchword actions. Kat talks about an experience with TRICKLE for sharing. Kat talks about a post Rhoda wrote at Switchwordsgroup about "Drinking Switchwords" for specific times of day and situations. Discusssion of the Broad Switchword QUENCH. Kat leads an EFT tapping round tapping ELATE-WITH-LOVE through 14 points of the EFT Basic Recipe Sequence and Gamut point, repeating the Switchphrase twice on each point, for a total of 28 repeats without counting. Broad Switchword TRUST discussed and tapped through EFT. Kat talks about the Vibrational Balancing Images and using them to clear mental fatigue, physical fatigue and a toothache. Discussion of some of the differences between VBI and Sanjeevini, and mixing and matching the two together. You can use the Passive Modifications file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial to access VBI, Sanjeevini and other techniques. The Passive Modifications file can call other EF files. Email Kat at ehdef.com@gmail.com if you would like a free PDF with the Vibrational Balancing Images. When one EFT point is huge for a specific person, the root problem may relate to the specific emotions swallowed to that meridian. Descriptions of EFT points/feelings/meridians at: http://www.pd.ehdef.com Discussion of people rejecting "new sun," as the sun is perceived by the body differently since the December 26, 2004 tsunami as being part of many health problems, including loss of control of calcium and spleen, and self-love and self-worth. Switchword ELATE is about finding the golden nugget in every situation. Universal Switchwords list is available at: http://www.sw.ehdef.com Kat discusses Switchwords for helping children with transition back to school with a listener. Join discussions about Switchwords at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/switchwordsgroup/ Join us for discussion of energy healing techniques at: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/energy1/ Email questions or comments to Kat at ehdef.com@gmail.com