EPISODE93 - Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc

Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc show

Summary: Discussion today included: A listener asks about the "1000 rounds of energetic EFT" run with the Emotional Freedom vial when run one time. Kat discusses her introduction to energy vials and the origins of the EF vial and other ehdef.com energy vials. Discussion of the origins of linking files of affirmations to the Emotional Freedom vial. The dynamic EF vial takes Borrowing Benefits to a whole new level. Kat leads an EF vial session for a listener, opening access to the virtual EF vial to all live listeners. Emotional Freedom vial is at: http://www.efvial.ehdef.com Discussion of using the EFT Under Eye point to help find a SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress Scale) level. Kat discusses file content on several EF files that come up during the EF vial session. Switchword phrases that came up during vial session discussed. Discussion of Reversals, Release, Evolving Variations and Reveal the Core EF files and using them with other files. Discussion of the Creation Box and how to use the EF file, as well as create a physical Creation Box. Rhoda suggests making your Creation Box a round box. Kat discusses developing and updating Emotional Freedom files with feedback from Emotional Freedom vial owners. Kat gives a Switchphrase for enjoying the weekend. Kat leaves the virtual Emotional Freedom vial open for people who listened live to access for an hour after the Talkcast. Join discussions about Switchwords at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/switchwordsgroup/ Join us for discussion of energy healing techniques at: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/energy1/ Email questions or comments to Kat at ehdef.com@gmail.com