Pauper to the People #1 – They’re Gonna Know We’re Full of It

Pauper to the People – MTGCast show

Summary: After some brief introductions, Chris and Matt (Tuna) outline their goals for the podcast, gloss over New Phyrexia, and Chris reassures Matt that they won't make utter fools of themselves on the internet.  Matt then regales a story of making an utter fool of himself on the internet.  Then, a contest to kick the show off right, a misguided attempt at setting up a gmail account for the 'cast, and plans for the next episode.Please leave your comments, questions, and show ideas at outs to Marshall and Ryan at Limited Resources.Music: "Gasping For Air" From the Dust (Chris's old band) Featuring BeefyMTGO: Chris - GrayCatRecords   Matt - Matuna   Show’s Email: MTGO Chris:    GrayCatRecords   MTGO Matt:     Matuna Your Host(s):  Chris Plummer and Matt Billings