Oh no, the sky is falling!: The environment and how you can make a difference.

Saturday Mornings with Joy Keys show

Summary: What steps can you take to improve the environment? How can we protect it for future generations? Carbon footprints. CFLs vs LEDs. Used cars vs Hybrids. SPECIAL GUEST: Leanne Nurse is a program analyst for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for Environmental Innovation. She staffs EPA’s public involvement policy and collaborative problem solving initiative, including the new Collaboration Practitioners Network. She served as a community involvement coordinator, a public affairs specialist for water and environmental justice programs, and as liaison to the US Green Group. She is an inaugural fellow of the University of Virginia’s Natural Resources Leadership Institute and is certified by IAP2, the International Association for Public Participation. Prior to government, Leanne worked as an award-winning public and commercial television producer, editor and reporter. Leanne is also a member of NCDD’s Board of Directors.