Battlefront of the Badass Echelon

Blendover show

Summary: Blendover Episode Thirteen With special guest Ben Thompson, author of Badass: Ultimate Deathmatch    What did you think of this episode? Have any questions? Suggestions? LET US KNOW: Tweet Us | Give Us A Facialbook | Shoot Us Some Hate Mail Or comment below! Topics Discussed: Badass: Ultimate Deathmatch Margaret Thatcher Andy Johns Pope Watch 2013 Corey Koehler ReDigi Lucasarts West Memphis Three Murder of DA Mike McLelland in Texas BlendoveR is a fun, hard-hitting pod-cast where rules are regularly thrown out the window in favor of honest, open commentating opinions.  Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from, and Terr Ciavarra (Media Nox from, we stray on to any topic that presents itself or wanders off onto its own tangent.     Badass: Ultimate Deathmatch Badass: Ultimate Deathmatch - Badass - Badass: The Birth of a Legend - Badass / Ben Thompson @ Facebook Badass / Ben Thompson @ Twitter Wolf The Quarrelsome Lord Kitchener Wants You - Wikipedia Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener - Wikipedia     Margaret Thatcher Ex-Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher dies, aged 87 Ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke Gorbachev, Obama lead tributes to 'Iron Lady' The incredible legacy of Britain's 'Iron Lady' Thatcher continues to divide in death Wikipedia - Margaret Thatcher     Andy Johns Andy Johns Dies At 61 Celebrated Producer Andy Johns Dead at 61 Wikipedia - Andy Johns RIP Andy Johns, one of the best engineers of our time     Pope Watch 2013 Good Guy Pope: Child Abuse In his first Easter as pope, Francis calls for peace in his own style Pope Appeals for More Interreligious Dialogue Pope Francis: Church must act decisively on sex abuse Pope Francis has called for strong, specific worldwide measures for the Roman Catholic Church to act "with determination" against clergy sex abuse Pope Francis spoke of being 'dazzled' by girl, possible change of celibacy rule Pope Francis to Catholic church: 'act decisively' to punish pedophile priests Pope seeks decisive action against sex abuse Pope washes women’s feet in break with church law Pope urges doctrinal office to act 'decisively' against sex abuse     Corey Koehler New Song - Brown Boots by Corey Koehler New Song - "Brown Boots (Working Man Tribute)" by Corey Koehler Vlog 12 Corey Koehler @ BandCamp Corey Koehler - Official Site: Corey Koehler @ Facebook Corey Koehler @ ReverbNation Corey Koehler @ Twitter     ReDigi Court has determined that ReDigi's MP3 resale platform violate the Copyright Act of 1976 Federal Judge Nixes Re-Used Digital Content Copyright Exemption Is It Legal To Sell Your Old MP3s? Judge Says No ReDigi gets $763K in debt financing ReDigi issues statement on Amazon's patent for the resale of "used" digital goods Vivendi Wins Copyright Ruling in Used-Digital-Song Case Wikipedia - Capitol Records, LLC v. ReDigi Inc.     Lucasarts After acquisition, Disney has shuttered the legendary LucasArts game studio, will license game properties instead Disney Closes Game Publisher LucasArts Disney Decides To Close LucasArts; What’s It Mean For Games Like Star Wars 1313? Disney Shuts Down LucasArts, Cancels Star Wars 1313 And Star Wars: First Assault Disney shuts down LucasArts, 'Star Wars 1313' fate unknown I am STUNNED at the "loyalty" of the Gaming News over the closure of Lucasarts... LucasArts Closes Doors on Development LucasArts Closes Its Doors For Good – Star Wars 1313 Release Still Possible     West Memphis Three Arkansas judge dismisses case by two parents of West Memphis Three Attorney alleges four people killed West Memphis boys