Q&A Does Money Affect My Sex Life

The Spiritual Peak Center show

Summary: Today is question and answer day!  Have you ever thought about whether or not money (or lack of money) can have an impact on your sex life within your committed loving relationship?  Well, it can.  More often than not couples don't communicate about their money.  They may very well fight about it, but that is not what we consider communicating.  One partner may blame the other for spending too much.  Or there is great stress over how to pay the bills. Or one partner may have no clue as to where they stand with money. But, there are some very beautiful and powerful ways to communicate about money.  We talked with Bari Tessler Linden, a Financial Therapist, Coach and Mommypreneur.  She shared some wonderful advice with us.  You can find more out about Bari here: www.baritessler.com . And, Rob was cracking me up just before and during the interview.  He kept putting on our youngest son's 3-D glasses.  What a goof - LOL !!! Come on over to SexyChallenges.com and learn more about how to blending the sacred and the sensual! Honoring you, Janelle and Rob