Truth, Delusion, and Altered States

Why Shamanism Now - A Practical Path to Authenticity show

Summary: How do we know that the messages we receive are true? With the direct revelation offered us through a broad range of shamanic altered states it is important to be able to discern truth. “Truth is perhaps more accurately felt, than known,” suggests host and shaman Christina Pratt. “Indigenous shamans the world over explain that you feel the truth of what you “see” in your journeys, and in this way sense the difference between a snake that is a power animal and a snake that is the manifestation of an illness.” Beginning journeyers worry for the wrong reasons about truth, using their uncertainty about whether or not they are “making it up” as the excuse to stop the journey. In this way they delay developing a trusting relationship with Spirit. Advanced journeyers trust spirit but do not worry enough about truth, forgetting that their connection with helping spirits is not absolute truth, but only the highest version of truth they are ready to hear. Join us this week as we explore the necessary steps for cultivating your own Truth Cord to sense the truth like the shamans of ancient times.