Nintendo Pulse #045 – LEGO City Undercover and PANIC

WiiSpot Podcast show

Summary: There is loads of news to talk about this week on the Nintendo Pulse, and Stephen Munn and I try to fit it all in. From sales forcasts, to presser cancellations to Fremium titles.. the Nintendo news is flowing fast! We hope you enjoy the show! Audio Video Show Notes What We Are Playing Lloyd Hannesson: LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins, Luigi’s Mansion, Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion Stephen Munn: Fez, Find Mii II, Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story News Nintendo UK giving away games Nintendo will not have an E3 press conference this year, instead going with Nintendo Direct Satoru Iwata says Pikmin 3 and other delays are due to short staff, is evasive on WiiU system power, etc WiiU patched, adding new features (including screen size fix). Virtual Console launched with anemic lineup. Nintendo is profitable again but still underperforming Rayman Legends WiiU Challenge App launched Nintendo sends a WiiU promoting message to Wii owners, “time to discover WiiU” Freemium Tank! Tank! Tank! hits the eShop Madden skipping the WiiU/Nintendo for the first time in 20+ years Tiger Woods rumored cancelled as well Facebook campaign kicks off to get Ni No Kuni on the 3DS/WiiU Fan translator offers localization files to Nintendo for free Nintendo censors latest Fire Emblem DLC in the US Hacking group reports that it has cracked the WiiU Contact Info Call and leave a voicemail! (505) VGPODCAsts Twitter: Follow Dasme Email: