Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day show

Summary: Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for May 01, 2013 is: vernal \VER-nul\ adjective 1 : of, relating to, or occurring in the spring 2 : fresh or new like the spring; also : youthful Examples: This time of the year, I enjoy getting out for morning walks to take in the crisp, clean vernal air. "Spend the morning learning about aquatic life found in vernal pools. Vernal pools may be dry in summer, but in the spring they are filled with life-sustaining water. This is when the peepers and wood frogs start croaking, and salamanders arrive under cover of rain and darkness to breed." — From an article by David Colberg in The Hartford (Connecticut) Courant, April 3, 2013 Did you know? If you want to sound sophisticated this spring, you can do what various learned individuals have done since the 16th century and refer to the spring equinox as the vernal equinox. You might also alter a classic rhyme to chant "Vernal showers bring May flowers." Or if you really want to wax poetic, you could compliment your lass's vernal grace or your beau's vernal charm. If you do, and your sweetheart asks where such a word comes from, you can further impress by saying, "'Vernal,' my dear, comes from the Latin 'vernalis,' which is derived from the Latin word for spring, 'ver.'"