Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: On a recent webcast, I was responding to viewers' questions. One person asked, "when is it time to leave your church?" My gut response is you should never leave unless you move, but there are a few exceptions. I think commitment to your church family is essential to spiritual growth and success in reaching your world... but there are a few reasons to leave. One such reason is consistent, unbiblical teaching. Hopefully you've chosen a church that loves God's Word, but perhaps something has changed and it's no longer Biblical teaching. If this is your church, be just like the Bereans and examine the Scriptures. In Acts it says the Bereans, "received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."  If you are in a position of leadership at your church, do your best to make a change before leaving. But if the entire church adopts unbiblical beliefs and embraces and teaches them on a regular basis despite your best efforts, it may be time to take your family elsewhere. You may be better equipped to reach your world if you do. It should be a prayerful decision made carefully, but sadly it may be necessary.