Prone to Distraction

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I've seen the same evening play out many times... I'm sitting in a restaurant with my family and inevitably, there's a couple sitting at a nearby table that I can't help but notice. They don't have anything to say to each other. The wife is staring blankly into the distance. The husband is rudely typing away on his phone. They are physically together but their minds are elsewhere. We've all been in that situation at one time or another. We've all been distracted from what really matters.But, if you are trying to reach your world, you cannot treat people that way. Try to fully engage with whomever it is God has brought before you. It's easy to get ten steps ahead and already be thinking about the next conversation, or meeting. But, God has you where you are, this moment, for a reason! When you're spending time with friends and family, commit to turning off the phone, shutting down the laptop, and disciplining your mind to really listen to them. The Bible says in Proverbs, "To answer before listening- that is folly and shame." You can't listen to someone's words, or the Holy Spirit's promptings, if your attentions are elsewhere. This week, try to focus on each interaction. There is bound to be an opportunity to share the Good News in at least one of them.