When the Going Gets Tough...

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: It seems as though many people these days are looking for the path of least resistance.  Have you ever noticed that? If a class is tough, you want to switch classes. If a marriage is strained, you pursue divorce. If a church is struggling, you go to a different church. I'm convinced of something - as followers of Christ, when the going gets tough we should step up, not run away. Often, things worth pursuing are difficult. Don't jump ship because it requires effort - work that much harder.  Every worthwhile goal will cost something, whether that's time or effort or energy. If you want to reach your world and leave a legacy that will affect generations to come, you can't just lazily try to evade anything that requires hard work.In the words of Jesus, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Are you willing to deny your comfort, ease, and human desires, in order to accomplish something worthwhile? In order to reach your world for Jesus Christ? It won't be easy. It will take discipline and hard work. It may require pressing on, even when things are difficult. But, I guarantee that when you are committed to working hard to doing what is right, telling others about Jesus Christ, you will find joy and peace, and you will leave a lasting legacy.