Your Involvement Matters

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Every few years, it's a given. Whether you are old enough to vote or not, you'll be hard-pressed to find a place where a political campaign isn't ringing in your ear. Everywhere you look - newspapers, television, online, and magazines - candidates ask for your vote. Why? Because YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! These candidates work so hard to get their message in front of you because they believe that your vote can change a city, a country, and even the world. That's impressive. And it's true!While casting our vote in an election is good, without Jesus Christ people are still lost. But, we can make a difference.  Just as political leaders make changes on a national level, we are the ones who make an impact on our neighborhood, school, and workplace. Friend, it's up to us as followers of Jesus to tell others of His love. You and I have people in our lives that only we can reach. Jesus said that we are the "light of the world." While making a civic difference is important, let's be people who are actively making an eternal difference as well.