Word and Deed

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: For years I have said that evangelism is the best type of social action. I believe that wholeheartedly, and frankly, without evangelism we can't see real change in our nation. But we must live our faith as we speak it.  If we're going to see change in our world today, it must be done through word AND deed. Sharing about the love of Christ is a must, but are we reflecting that love too? Sharing about the forgiveness of the cross is foundational, but are we extending to others the forgiveness shown to us? Proclaiming our new life in Christ is critical, but do our lives look different from those around us?  Do our lives look new?Are we truly loving our neighbor as ourselves? Are we putting Christ first in all we do? Are we sharing the Good News Gospel "as we go into all the world" as Jesus asks us to in the Gospel of Mark?What we share is of immense importance, but how we share it many times dictates whether it is heard. If our words aren't backed by our love for others, they will fall flat.  Our words, proved by our actions, are what will show the world that Jesus makes a difference.