Now is Not the Right Time

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Sometimes we fall into the habit of giving God deadlines, especially when it comes to the salvation of others. Once I gave God a deadline, "If I don't see any converts by the end of the year, I'm quitting." I wasn't giving up on my faith, just evangelism. The end of the year came and went, and nothing happened. No one was converted.But, four days after my deadline expired, the right moment came: the Lord moved, and I led someone in a prayer to invite Christ to take over their life. God has his own timing, and many times it does not match up with what we think it should be.Maybe you've shared your faith in Jesus Christ over and over again with someone who is very dear to you, but they haven't responded. I know what that feels like. I prayed for my wayward son for 27 years! Not seeing God move can be discouraging and disheartening. But, don't give up. There are many stories of followers of Christ who have prayed that their spouse, parents, friends, children, or neighbors will come to the Lord. And, they have! These men and women were faithful to pray and share their faith and they have seen results. Sometimes it takes years, but persistence pays off. Never give up. The Lord's timing is the best timing - we just need to be patient and ready.