Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I believe that many Christians are afraid to give the Good News because they give up.  And, they give up because they don't see immediate results.  Some people get very critical and they say, "Oh yes, yes, but where are the converts? Where are the converts?"  If you're one of those, let me tell you something.  Timothy, converted to Christ through the Apostle Paul, one of God's great servants in the Bible, as you know, nevertheless got discouraged and Paul had to write him a letter from jail, can you believe it? And, he said to him, "Timothy, persist, persist, persist. Don't be ashamed. Don't be ashamed. Don't be ashamed."  I want to encourage you today to persist. Don't be discouraged. Don't give up. Just because you don't see a conversion on the spot doesn't mean that God hasn't used you.  In Second Corinthians chapter 5, God says to the apostles, "We walk by faith not by sight."  In other words, we sow the seed and we leave it with God.  Sometimes we have the privilege of seeing people, on the spot, give their lives to Christ. That's so exciting, and not very common, to be honest.  We do our part, somebody else participates, and eventually, sometime, they come to Christ.  When we get to heaven we look and say, "Wow, I had a part in that person's conversion. How exciting!" But, don't give up now no matter what other people say.