KRISTIN ENGVIG/WIN: Inspiring Women Worldwide 05/01/13

ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: We are living in times where focusing on the possible - on new opportunities - is vital. New ways of being and leading in the world are required to navigate in unknown waters. As we open ourselves to new solutions, women and their feminine aspects have a vital role to play. Each of us embodies the power to influence, to attract, to decide – and to lead. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Kristin Engvig, is the creative mind and engaging spirit behind the face of W.I.N. - Women’s International Networking (W.I.N.) - the internationally recognized platform engaging thousands of people and leading a movement that drives innovation, fosters diversity, gives hope and inspires potential. Kristin sees raising feminine and global awareness as the key to creating a sustainable future ... one that develops, empowers and connect leaders with a feminine, authentic and global vision - and one that inspires and guides communities, corporations, supranational institutions, political organisations and entrepreneurs worldwide. Growing up on the turbulent west coast of Norway, surrounded by mountains leading to the open seas, Kristin understood at a young age how important it is for all of us to be connected, and to do something in your life that will leave the world a better place. From Norway, Kristin knew that ‘going global’ was just the thing for her to do. Having started out with major multinational companies like JPMorgan, Citibank and Innovation Norway, Kristin saw and felt that there was a gap in our workplaces and how we dealt with each other and the world at large. Working as a consultant with global companies, she also felt that people should be able to bring their creative sides into the workplace, too. This gap was transformed into a vision for W.I.N.: to ‘bring a more feminine, global and sustainable vision to work, communities and life.’ As Kristin shares with us, WIN - and our shared future - is international • feminine • authentic • practical • innovative • geared toward creating opportunities • interconnected & holistic. And the rules are simple: be open, be open to learn, willing to connect, quick to contribute, ready to take risks, committ, never accept the unacceptable, and open to have fun and receive and feel the magic. Join Julie Ann and Kristin, as they share why women are moving away from “business as usual” to business based on sharing and caring values. Women are driving change, often behind the scenes - and why, now more than ever before, it is time to mobilize, to inspire and to manifest women’s dreams and visions.