(2011-10-30) Viva Cristo Rey: Live Like Christ is Your King

Audio Sancto show

Summary: Sermon titled "Viva Cristo Rey: Live Like Christ is Your King" given on Sunday October 30, 2011. Size: 3.7 MB; duration: 16:20. Persecution of the Catholics in Mexico (the Cristeros). The Mexican government wanted the hearts of every person. These Catholics belonged to Christ the King. To be free to do this is true liberty/freedom. We must first give ourselves entirely to God before God will give Himself to us. We are all created for an end, the highest good of all: God. We must look interiorly for God; His kingdom is within us. Quotes are made from "Quas Primas" by Pope Pius XI. Why Our Lord deserves to be loved. Only by Faith can we recognize Christ as King and God.