(2011-11-27) End Times: What Signs to Look For (Part 2)

Audio Sancto show

Summary: Sermon titled "End Times: What Signs to Look For (Part 2)" given on Sunday November 27, 2011. Size: 6.3 MB; duration: 27:26. Review from Previous Sermon: What is a "type?" A person, thing, or action that actually exists but is intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person, thing, or action. St Paul: "Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition..." (2 Thessalonians 2:3) (I.E. Apostasy, falling away of Faith, Anti-Christ revealed.) A type of the Apostasy: Study 170 BC in Jerusalem (Maccabees).Dramatic rise in immodesty and perverse behaviorsThe Faithful turning to false religions and paganismPriests neglecting the SacramentsPriests engaging in worldly entertainments and hanging out with those with loose moralsWomen invading sanctuariesBehavior in the temple/sacred space disruptive and irreverent. For the last 100 years or so, our Popes have been warning us of the Great Apostasy. What do we look for?In this sermon: Examination of the ruler at the time of the Maccabees that prefigures the Anti-Christ: Antiochus Epiphanes. Iconoclasm: the destruction of religious symbols and artwork. (Haydock: "God has often suffered sacred places to be profaned when piety is disregarded. All religious rites are designed for God's glory and man's welfare. Hence, when they cease to serve God the holy things are destroyed or taken away.") Our Liturgy and our Faith will be lost if we're not pious, reverent, and training up our children to be pious and reverent -- God will take it all away. He's done it before and He'll do it again. He means what He says and He won't be mocked or trifled with for long. Uniformity in Faith and Religion: so that all are united in the same superstitions and idolatry and kingdom. Idols: Antiochus set up idols of desolation upon the Altar of God, burned the books of God, and put to death all who observed the Laws of God. Signs to be on the lookout for:Dramatic rise in immodest dress, behavior and perversities among laity and priestsCatholics abandoning the True Faith and Traditions of the Fathers, turning to false religions and paganismCatholic Priests neglecting their priestly duties (especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Confession)Priests engaging in worldly entertainments and hanging out with those with loose moralsWomen invading sanctuariesSigns in the skies (sun will be darkened -- hard not to think of Fatima)Occupation of Jerusalem (martyrdom and slaughter of Catholics -- more have been martyred in the past 100 years than the total of all the previous 19 Centuries.Moral corruption and degradation of our youthPunishment and persecution for keeping the Laws of GodRise in the worship of Bacchus (drinking, dancing, sins of the flesh)Push toward a united One World Religion (United Religious Initiative)False idolatrous worship in Catholic churches. "For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils." Psalm 95:5)Stripping of the beauty and sacred vessels of Catholic churches. "Morally, the abomination of desolation is sacrilege and heresy -- especially iconoclasm. For heresy is an idol abominable to God, which brings about the destruction of kingdoms and peoples and the yoke of the Turk. For when heretics, especially iconoclasts, violate consecrated churches and break the images of the saints and profane the holy places, then it is certain that the desolation and devastation of the people is imminent. God avenges sacrilege, and the violation of His Divine Majesty, worship and religion."Behavior in Catholic Churches disruptive and irreverent. What to do: Do your duty in your state of life. Get serious about the Commandments. Get serious about our Faith. Get serious about personal holiness. Say your Rosary and your three Hail Mary's every day. Wear your Brown Scapular. Stop sinning. Go to confession every two weeks. Make fervent communions. Spend time before our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Put God first and