Is Pena Nieto testing US ties?

Inside Story show

Summary: Barack Obama, the US president, and Enrique Pena Nieto, his Mexican counterpart, are set to meet this week in the Mexican capital. The meeting between the two American leaders comes amid reports that Mexico City is shifting its security strategy, and shutting Washington out of its counternarcotics operations. In February, Pena Nieto unveiled a series of policy initiatives that would shift Mexico's strategy toward tackling drug cartel crime. In February he promised to invest billions of dollars in social programmes to address the root causes of crime. Througout the election campaign Pena Nieto emphasised violence reduction over the military crackdown favoured by Felipe Calderon, his predecessor, that has resulted in so many tens of thousands dead. Perhaps most worrying for the US is the curtailing of resource and intelligence sharing between the US and Mexican law enforcement officials. On Sunday, the Washington Post revealed just how integral the US and its security agencies have been in driving Calderon's War on drugs, which began in 2006. That seems to be changing, much to the relief of those who have long argued that the violence that has been unleased - more than 60,000 deaths in five years - is unsustainable. On Monday, the director of Human Rights Watch for the Americas wrote to President Obama criticising his administration for its complicity in human rights violations associated with the war on drugs. At a White House press conference on Tuesday, Obama said he does not yet know if bilateral relations will change. Inside Story Americas, with presenter Shihab Rattansi, discusses with guests Jose Miguel Vivanco, director of Human Rights Watch's America's division, who has just returned from a meeting at the White House, Jose Cardenas, former State Department official specialising in Latin American affairs and Sanho Tree fellow at the Institute for Policy studies and directs their drug policy project.