Nutritionally Speaking – Wholify show

Summary: Green tea sales are booming across the country with green tea topping the charts of the most popular beverages and supplements. Where did the demand for this bitter leaf come from? Recent claims that green tea causes weight loss brought this about. In this episode, we will examine these claims and compare them to scientific research on the topic.  You won’t want to miss it!<br> [divider]<br> Green Tea – Podcast Transcript<br> Hi and Welcome to Nutritionally Speaking.  I’m your host, Michaela Ballmann.  Today’s episode is about the ever-popular Green Tea.  Green Tea is toted as being a potent weight loss aid, as well as providing (benefits to the heart).  Are the claims about Green Tea true?  Can it really be the long-awaited pill that will drop the pounds?  Should I go pick up some Green Tea today?<br>  <br> Where does Green Tea come from?<br> Some background first: green tea comes from SE Asia, specifically China, where it is used as medicine and as part of the culture.  It is gaining popularity in the West where it is thought to cause weight loss and protect against CVD.  green tea is the 2nd most common beverage and the 4th most commonly used dietary supplement in the U.S.1, so a lot of research is being done on it.<br> Green tea differs from black and oolong tea in that it is the unfermented leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant2 prepared by withering the leaves, steaming or panfrying them, and then drying them.  Green Tea leaves contain the highest amount of flavonoids3, which are the water-soluble pigments in plants that act as anti-oxidants.  In comparison to black tea, Green Tea has stronger effects in promoting heart health, can also improve blood lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides.<br> Bear with me now as I bring in some long scientific names.  I’ll be quick!  green tea contains about 35% concentration of phytochemicals from the polyphenol family, specifically Flavonols and Flavanols with the Flavanols being the most important in causing weight loss and protecting the heart.  Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) makes up half of the catechin concentration and is therefore the most potent. Caffeine also makes up 3-6% of its dry weight5.  What I want you to remember from what I just said, are the letters EGCG—this is the compound in green tea that is unique to it and distinguishes it from other teas, and is the reason why it may cause weight loss.<br>  <br> Nutrition research on Green Tea<br> In order to discuss this topic with you, I had to do a lot of research on recent studies done on green tea to see what the scientists are saying about it.  Some studies suggest that Green Tea has the following effects related to weight loss (The word SUGGEST should be bold in your mind because it means that what I’m about to say is NOT 100% certain and it does NOT happen 100% of the time):<br> <br> * It can increase energy expenditure, meaning that it causes you to burn more calories<br> * It may lower a person’s body weight<br> * It may decrease waist circumference<br> * It can stimulate thermogenesis5, which is the production of heat by increasing metabolism and burning fat<br> * It can suppress food intake, or make you eat less or feel less hungry, thereby reducing weight and fat gain<br> * It can lower TAG and C levels6. The methods and mechanisms for how and why this happens are very complicated and I think I’ve already used enough confusing terminology today. Remember, that these benefits are related to EGCG, and not just the caffeine content, making green tea have more powerful effects than other caffeine-containing substances or drinks.<br> <br>  <br> Green tea and benefits on the heart<br> Green tea may also have many benefits on the heart. These mechanisms are also very complicated so if you feel that I only brushed the surface and want to know more, write me!  I’ll be glad to give you more info!<br> <br> * It can act as an antioxidant.