WuiT #059: David M. Niddam (part 1)

What's up in Taiwan show

Summary: Filed Under: Brain Research, Diving and Surfing. Download this interview! David is originally from Denmark and has been working and living in Taiwan for the last 5 years. He accepted our invitation and arranged a lovely little tour of his operations in the hospital. We had the privilege of examining equipments that are worth millions and millions, and after his introductions, we were thrilled to find the advancements of brain research here on our island. Most of the people of Taiwan are probably not aware that we are rank very high on the charts globally in this area. David's leisure activities are diving and parties. Looking good is also very important for our well-groomed guest this week. We are very happy and fortunate to meet such stylish and outgoing new friend. Rate Episode #059:***** **** *** ** *    David來自丹麥,在台灣工作已經五年。他答應接受我們的訪問,並在訪問當天安排了一個小行程,讓我們參觀他工作的醫院和設備,並介紹價值數百萬美元的醫療儀器。在他的解說下,我們很驚訝的發現,台灣的腦部手術與研究,在世界上名列前茅,顯然台灣還有許多不為人知的面向等待被發掘。 David的休閒生活是潛水和派對,並且非常重視穿著與打扮,對他來說,這是品味與禮儀,我們很高興認識這位優雅好客的新朋友。