Health Insurance Savings + Mom! No Cavities!

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p>The Jefferson Exchange: April 29, 2013, Hour 1:</p><p><b> <span class="headlinetext">Health Insurance Savings</span> </b><br><br> Oregon is getting a reputation for innovation in health care and health insurance.  Now the state's health insurance rate review program is getting the credit for a lot of money saved--$80 Million--in what would otherwise have been considered health insurance waste.  You'll hear an <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>explanation of the savings</strong></a> and how they helped the insured. </p><p>+</p><p><b> <span class="headlinetext">Mom! No Cavities!</span> </b><br><br> Maybe we've been listening to the dentist after all.  Recent reports indicate that the <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>rate of cavities</strong></a> is dropping in Oregon.  Some parts of the state saw a 50 percent improvement in cavity rates over the five years ending in 2012.  You'll hear details of the report and its findings.  </p>