Greg Hunter– News Is Dead 08.Aug.12

The Financial Survival Network show

Summary: presents Greg Hunter built his career working various mainstream media outlets. He was at CNN when he noticed that once reputable news groups were no longer interested in covering the real news. Whether it was the popping of the real estate bubble, the economic collapse, or Sherrif Joe Arpao's investigation into Obama's birth certificate, the media now refuses to cover stories that don't support its view of the world. But fortunately the internet has enabled curious minded people to tap an unlimited number of sources to uncover the truth. And this is the key to surviving and thriving in the new economy. All the institutions that you once put your faith and trust in, are no longer worthy of either. But you have a choice, go for what's real and what has lasting value. More and more people are doing it and so it's no wonder that the mainstream media becomes less relevant by the day. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets