Luis Suarez: Are We Punishing the Act or Tearing Down a Player

Beyond The Pitch show

Summary: Once stepping past the point that recent and ongoing behavior with Luis Suarez needs to be addressed, some key factors must be put on the table relative to whether the FA is free of accountability by simply doling out incremental match bans and whether or not a multi-million dollar asset of a football club is entitled to a more nuanced evaluation given the factors involved. Joining us for a deeper discussion into the matter of Suarez, Liverpool, Brendan Rodgers and separating the person from the punishment is the editor of Well Red Magazine Gareth Roberts who helps us examine the full range of issues surrounding yet another incident that has captivated all the talk in and around the Premier League now that a 10 match suspension has effectively ended the season for Luis Suarez. At the center of this discussion is whether the FA needs to examine itself and its treatment of players and if English players are punished on a different scale given its mission to field the best national team possible and past punishments handed down and whether the repeated issues for Suarez are more locked in tribalism when a better understanding of his issues require further examination. This is a very important topic given how football typically bypasses treatment for mental illness and treating emotional issues amongst its workforce and we ask the basic question here: is football and Luis Suarez being best served by simply handing out increasingly more severe bans to the player when it has become abundantly clear that these measures have not and show no sign of working in the near or long term future.