Sexual Assault Awareness Month + Funding for OSU extension services

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p></p><p class="MsoNormal">Jefferson Exchange — April 25, 2013, HOUR 1</p><p class="MsoNormal"><b> <span class="headlinetext">Sexual Assault Response</span> </b><br><br> Educating the public about sexual assault is the main focus of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  But it is not only the general public that needs education on the subject.  Emergency workers and other first responders also need training in how to respond to a sexual assault case.  The <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>City of Ashland</strong></a> plans such a training this week; you'll hear about the need and the elements.</p><p class="MsoNormal"><b> <span class="headlinetext">Extension on the Brink</span> </b><br><br> The axe fell in Lane County, now it is a possibility in Jackson County.  The <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>extension service and experiment station</strong></a> west of Medford would be de-funded--zeroed out--under the budget proposal now on the table.  You'll hear the reaction, just hours after a meeting to discuss the possible future of the service.  </p>