Mind Set Daily - April 25, 2013

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topic covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "Scientists Decode Dreams with Brain Scans" Scientists have found a way to "read" dreams, a study suggests. Researchers in Japan used MRI scans to reveal the images that people were seeing as they entered into an early stage of sleep. The team now wants to see if brain activity can be used to decipher other aspects of dreaming, such as the emotions experienced during sleep. People have been trying to understand dreams since ancient Egyptian times, but the researchers who have carried out this study have found a more direct way to tap into our nighttime visions. It is an "exciting" piece of research that brings us closer to the concept of dream-reading machines. It's obviously a long way off, but there is no reason why not in principle. Researchers in this story that tracked people’s brains were able to determine what people would then dream about with astounding accuracy, opening up an enormous set of questions about human consciousness. The content of dreams provides a complicated, hazy window into a person’s mind: What’s the meaning of all that visual junk that slips to the surface from the subconscious and usually lacks any sort of logical narrative? And why do people dream the things they do, when they do? One day science could provide such answers, you'll just need to dream a little dream. Think about it... Link: Scientists Decode Dreams with Brain Scans Support Mind Set Central Suscribe or donate