SPP 052 – Trusting the Story

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: As Sean and Johnny tie up production on Unicorn Western 9 and prepare to publish the full 1-9 Saga (in addition to launching a whole new venture), we decided to talk about the concept of "trusting the story," which is something we did a ton of as Unicorn Western finished. There was a lot of our typical debate, but in short, we all believe that there is a "truth" to a story and that it's your job to find it. Sean and I (Johnny) diverged significantly from Dave, though, in our nearly blind faith in the story. We truly believe that the story's "truth" exists out in the world and it's our job to excavate it as much as create it. Dave, however, said that it's super-possible to write yourself into a corner while you're being a story-trusting dumbass. Sean and I took that as a challenge, saying we could paint our way out any cockamamie situation Dave wrote us into. Hilarity then ensued. To view the video version of this episode, go to: Self Publishing Podcast #52 - Trusting the Story