Podcast Episode 9: Denominations of Buddhism

Daily Buddhism show

Summary: [display_podcast] Podcast Update I'm Brian your host, and welcome to the Daily Buddhism podcast for May 23rd, 2008. Please check out the website at www.dailybuddhism.com and sign up for the Daily Buddhism email list on the top right-hand corner of the screen. Subscribers to the list get content not available in the podcast, such as last weeks discussion on the Three Poisons and the worst Buddhist Jokes of the past 2500 years. Sign up, it's free and easy to do. I don't have too much to report this week in the way of announcements, I have changed the dailybuddhism.com blog to allow comments without registration, so you can now make anonymous comments and posts. I'll be watching closely and deleting SPAM and inappropriate posts, but if you had been holding back from asking questions or making comments out of embarrassment, fear no longer and post your comments right there on the blog. Let's see, what else? The companion podcast, “Tao of the Day” is now available on iTunes. Just go to the podcast section and search for Tao, spelled T-A-O. If you don't use iTunes, just go to www.taooftheday.com and listed right there on the page or download the mp3 files yourself. Also, I've changed the lesson plan for this week. I was going to cover all the major branches of Buddhism this week, including Zen on Friday. I have since decided that I will boost Zen up to a full week long lesson. That's where I'm coming from, and I know more about that group than the others. I've also had several requests for more information about Zen and it's concepts like koans, lineage, and so forth. I can't do a good job in a single day, so that will be next week's project. Just to get you warmed up, this week's lesson will be about the other major schools of Buddhism. So let's get started! End of Transcription. See Daily emails or blog posts for the lessons.