Podcast Episode 31: Mindfulness, Kindness, Buddha-Boy and the Sangha

Daily Buddhism show

Summary: Podcast Episode 31: Mindfulness, Kindness, Buddha-Boy and the Sangha Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number thirty-one. I'm Brian Schell, your host for the show. You can find the text for everything in this show and all past episodes on our website at www.dailybuddhism.com . A few brief announcements this Week: The Weekly Buddhism PDF Magazine Issue #6 will be available later this weekend, but as I mentioned in previous shows, is now subscription-only. As with last week, if you want to pick up the latest issue or subscribe, go to http://www.weeklybuddhism.com I have a short series planned for next week, but I would still like to hear your questions and comments on anything at all. Drop me an email at brian@dailybuddhism.com or use the very-underutilized voicemail line at 937-660-4949 Last week, after the segment on setting up a home shrine, I asked everyone to send in pictures of their home shrines. I only had two people send in pictures, so I'm not going to spend a day with a post about two pictures. I have posted the two shrines on the shownotes post for this episode. My thanks go out to the two listeners who chose to participate. If you would still like to send your photos in, it's not too late, I'll post them as long as I keep getting them. And that's it for the Daily Buddhism announcements for the week. Now I'm going to use the opportunity to tell you about two new sites that I've been working on. The first one is the Daily Relgious, that's http://www.dailyreligious.com This is a news site covering all branches of religion and religious news. It's updated constantly throughout the day and night with information from many sources. If you go to the main page for the Daily Religious, you can select individual categories for news, or you can subscribe to the RSS fee and get it all. It's fun and it's free. Stop over and take a look. The second one is completely unrelated to anything we talk about here, but I'm thinking some of you may be interested anyway. I'm a chess player, and I have been for thirty years, but you know what? I really stink at the game. I have dozens of books on chess on my bookshelf, and I've never made through any of them. I just don't have the time to read the books or practice all that much, although I've always been very interested in the game. My experience with the Daily Buddhism has taught me that if I am committed to writing on a subject every day, I can make time. So, I've started a new site, called http://www.dailychesslesson.com and I expect to run it just about the same way as the daily Buddhism; an email each weekday, with a single new chess idea or tip. In the beginning, I'll be covering the basic rules of the game, so if you never learned to play, sign up for the daily email now. The lessons begin Monday November 25th. After we get through the basic rules, we'll cover simple strategies and tips, eventually moving into openings, endings, famous games, current events and so forth. It's a lot less serious than Buddhism, and I thnk it'll be fun. That's at www.dailychesslesson.com Links to both sites are on the shownotes and in the “Links” section of any of my websites. But now, on with this week's show! [Read the past five blog posts or emails for contents of the show] This Week's Links CD Review: Koyasan: Reiki Sound Healing http://www.dailybuddhism.com/archives/549 The Sangha Situation: Nowhere to Go http://www.dailybuddhism.com/archives/554 The Return Of Buddha Boy http://www.dailybuddhism.com/archives/569 Four Foundations of Mindfulness http://www.dailybuddhism.com/archives/562 Book: The Kindness Handbook a Practical Companion http://www.dailybuddhism.com/archives/575 Setting Up A Home Buddhist Shrine http://www.dailybuddhism.com/archives/523 Weekly Buddhism Subscription Info: http://www.weeklybuddhism.com