Nick Redfern: The Pyramids and the Pentagon

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: 30 minutes after the interview, Curiosity rover landed on Mars. Nick surprised me with a 24 hour visit to LA last Sunday. Luckily, he has just released another book entitled The Pyramids and the Pentagon, about the history of US government involvement in paranormal research, so we talked a little about that and a lot about other things. Nick found that U.S. Government indeed had a wide-ranging interest in historical anomalies such as Noah's Ark, antigravity and the method used to build the Egyptian pyramids, among other things. We also talked about what sort of music that aliens might like (if it isn't Tibetan music) and Nick's Ten Commandments Of Paranormal TV. I asked Nick about his detractors, and we ended with a couple of questions Nick had for me.