Cultivate Simple 26: Plowing with Pigs with Hank Will

Cultivate Simple Podcast show

Summary: A note from Mr. Chiots - We had some problems with our podcast host wcich resulted in changing hosts and all should be good from now on. We had to re-publish this episode to get it to show up in iTunes. Today on Cultivate Simple we're talking with Hank Will, farmer and editor of Grit Magazine. We discuss his new book that he wrote with his wife Karen titled Plowing with Pigs, and Other Creative, Low-Budget Homesteading Solutions. We are giving away an autographed copy of the book. To find out how to win... you will have to listen to the podcast. You can also purchase a copy of the book directly from the Grit website. Hank's Books of the Week Any books by: Shannon Hayes Gene Logsdon Joel Salatin