TechMuze Ep-31 The Artist Promotion Blueprint – Part 2 & 3

Podcast | TechMuze Academy show

Summary: In this episode of the TechMuze Podcast we continue our free sneak-peek at the Artist Promotion Blueprint. This is the newest TechMuze Academy Program designed to teach you how to build an automated music marketing machine online to suck in new fans and ultimately turn them into happy customers! Link: Transcript » “TechMuze episode – 31” “Welcome to TechMuze, a netcast designed to educate and inspire your musical creativity through tech. Both technology and technique. Please visit for shows and more. Follow us all over the internet at techmuzepodcast and as always enjoy the show.” Welcome back to another episode of the techmuze podcast. This is part 2 in a short series that we’ve been doing on the artistpromotion blueprint which is some of you know is the most recent techmuze academy program. It is available to be look at now at You’ll also find it through the TechmuzeAcademy classroom, if you pop into the classroom while your visiting the site. So, basically we’ve been talking about the first module of the course which focuses on the theory as to what the blueprint is designed for. What are we trying to build from this blueprint? What its  purpose. Ofcourse, just to quickly recap. Really what we’re trying to do…is we are trying to create an automated music marketing machine essentially surounding your website and your social network and all of these things that we tried to wrap into the machine in an automated fashion to help take the work load off of you and your marketing and promotion efforts so that you can focus primarily on what it is that you really love to do which is to create great music and great content and to put it out there for all to enjoy. We want the marketing process for the most part to happen on autopilot so we can stay focus on the good stuff. So, that’s what the machine is designed to do. These first few I guess excerpts are basically focusing on the theory. So, what are we trying..what do we need to build in this machine to make this successful. Last week, we spoke about or in the last episode we spoke about the idea of creating luck and how if you want to be lucky then its simple. You just have to be everywhere, all the time with great content and eventually those fortunate circumstances will present themselves to you. So, a little philosophical but I want to get into the next part of the conversation today which is about being prolific. And we’ll get started with that right now. Okay, in this video I want to talk little bit about one of the main aspects of this marketing machine that we’re going to build. And that is we’re going build in this ability to be prolific. What do I mean by prolific? I mean as the image kind a implies being everywhere, everywhere that your potential fans, your potential audience might be.  And to be there as often consistently possible with a high quality product and as we kind a mentioned in the previous video. Okay so there’s a couple of steps to making this work correctly for you and the first one is you want to really sit down and consider your brand. Okay and you may not have thought of this before. But a lot of artists they do what they do and because it naturally resonates from them. It’s the natural tendency for them to create the music that they create or any other type of art that you might be into. Ofcourse most of you watching this today are musicians I’m assuming.  Although this information could be relevant to many, many other types of artist or types of product owners I supposed you could say. But you really want to stop and consider your brand and you want to be consistent. And so, if you’re a solo artist this is something you could sit down and do for yourself. If your a band, in a band you’re going to want to sit down with the members of your band. And you’re going[...]