Oregon University Audit + Snowpack Assessment

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p>Jefferson Exchange — April 18, 2013, HOUR 1</p><p><b> <span class="headlinetext">Oregon University Audit</span> </b><br><br> The recent complaints of Oregon University System students about rapidly rising tuition got a boost from an unlikely source.  The Oregon <a href="http://www.sos.state.or.us/audits/" target="_blank"><strong>Secretary of State's Audit Division</strong></a> released a report on an audit of OUS, and found that tuition is rising faster than inflation.  You'll hear the details of the report and how its findings are likely to be used. </p><p><b> <span class="headlinetext">Snowpack Assessment</span> </b><br><br> People in the rest of the country may not understand the focus on snowpack in our region.  It's this simple: most of our precipitation falls outside the growing season.  So what falls as snow in the mountains in the winter flows down our streams in the summer.  You'll get an idea of the depth and quality of the snowpack from this past winter from the <a href="http://www.or.nrcs.usda.gov/snow/index.html" target="_blank"><strong>Natural Resources Conservation Service</strong></a> in Portland.  </p>