Episode #152 – The 10 Travel Commandments

The Lifestyle Business Podcast - All About Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle Design, Travel, Cashflow and Business Development show

Summary: Dan and Ian are drifting into your earbuds this week from Berlin where the DC BER meetup is in full swing.  With all the talk of people traveling in for the event, and some recent European adventures between Dan, Ian and both their parents there have been travel tips flying all over the place. In this week’s episode, the fellas compile their top ten commandments of travel, packing and avoiding hassle so you can jump straight to first class status.  For any of you that travel or are looking to do some in the future (yep, that’s you) this episode is packed with advice from the veterans. Passport? Check. Visa? Check. Rolling Suitcase? Uncheck. Why the fellas have considered changing the title of the podcast to The Business Lifestyle Podcast. The top concepts and tricks Dan and Ian use during their travels to avoid major headache. Why you should always leave 20% of space left free in your bags. What your first priority should be within 30 minutes of landing in a new country. Why travel time can be the most productive and valuable hours in your day. Mentions: Mitchel – Mitchel MD Northface Surge (Affiliate Link/Non-affiliate Link) AirBnB Pro HDR & Camera + Jodi Ettenberg – Legal Nomads (@LegalNomads) Walks of Italy Flyer Talk Seat Guru The Points Guy Charles Schwab XE.com Just The Tips Google Translate Pic Stitch The Jam “Anklebiters” – Paramore Get Your Voice On The LBP Leave us a message. It’s easy to do, just attach a simple .mp3 recording to the email. Have fun. Leave a comment. Go make it happen! Episode length: 24:46 Download options: If you want to download the audio, you can sync with the iTunes store Android, Apple, Palm & other listeners can listen on Stitcher Radio Or right-click here for a direct download. If you’ve found the podcast at all helpful or entertaining, we’d love if you could click over to our iTunes page and give us a positive review or visit Stitcher radio and give us the good ol’ Thumbs Up. This will help us to get more listeners and invest more in the podcast! If you know some ways we can make it better, please send us an email: Dan at lifestyle business podcast . com.