Energy as a Vehicle of Consciousness ~ T Crane

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: We have all heard “Everything Is Energy”, it is the latest catch phrase – yet it is also a divine truth that has re-emerged into Western spirituality and science. How we communicate, how we deal with illness, make income, inspire change, develop and expand, evolve ourselves is all based on energy. Understanding the nature of how, as energetic beings, we use this unlimited resource to increase our level of consciousness is essential to achieving inner peace. Increasing our vibrational rate through energy work also effects a global shift through sympathetic resonance. Our environment, our world is a direct result of how we collectively emit energy and vibration. Raising that collective vibration through energy will be reflected in the world through the physical laws of sympathetic resonance, bringing those experiences with higher vibration into existence. Higher vibrational experiences include peace, health, happiness, joy, love. Simple forms of practice which increase our capacity and harness our energy include Qi Gong, Meditation, Yoga, Focused Breathing. Doing any one or a combination of these practices for as little as 20 minutes per day will completely shift your world and your experience in it. TCCS was founded by T Crane, creator of Science of Spirit Technology. T Crane has developed an extensive background in alternative healing techniques and spiritual based development over the past 15 years, with much of his earlier training being in Eastern Religious Studies, and his later training being in awakening consciousness.