Our thoughts determine our experience ~ Phoebe Dickens

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: All people are special! A large portion of Phoebe’s Psychology work has involved helping people with Special Needs, however she feels that everyone is special and valuable in their own way, and it is very important to remember that we are social beings, with a responsibility to help and encourage each other, as well as developing ourselves individually. This can be effectively applied in any workplace, business, family or group. *Our thoughts determine our experience. These can be changed, to improve our daily living and enhance our success in every area. Therefore any limiting belief which stops us being our best or prevents us from doing something, can actually be changed, removed and replaced by empowering beliefs, which instead create fulfilment and the realisation of worthy goals. Phoebe is a Registered Counselling Psychologist and has worked for the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK for over a decade, and has her own business (PDDevelopment), where I work as a Coach and Trainer, specialising in presentation skills, performance, confidence and success. She has a background in Commercial Modelling, including TV work and also in Teaching in her early career. Most importantly however, she is a human being on a journey of personal and spiritual development. Phoebe loves uplifting and inspiring her clients to face their fears, overcome challenges in their lives, and be the best they can be. She always aims to live the values and advice she gives to her clients and has confronted many of her worst fears, including public speaking (She set up my own Toastmasters club in 2008), plus she has completed a sky-dive last year and 2 Tony Robbins firewalks. She lives in Derbyshire, in the Midlands in the UK.