When You’re Living on Purpose, the Odds are Irrelevant

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: Discover the genuine desires of your heart and you’ll discover the purpose of your life. The Infinite endowed us with a natural attraction to our purpose. One is not given a passion to be a composer, but expected to be an accountant. Our Creator is brilliant, not cruel. You are called to deliver the gifts you most adore to this world, in a way that only you can. The most intelligent and loving choice you can make for yourself and all of creation is to heed the call, no matter where you’re starting from. Dreams are never given without the means to achieve them and the Universe conspires to help those who help themselves. Whatever the obstacles are, when it comes to living your purpose, the odds are irrelevant. Your job is to get control of your thoughts and take consistent action toward your dreams. Imagine Cinderella’s prince having a brain aneurysm as they ran off into the sunset. That’s Cynthia Occelli’s story. From teen dropout, welfare mom to educated entrepreneur who married her prince and lost him, she’s been there. When she found herself suddenly a single mom with a $1mil mortgage and a broken heart, Cynthia built new dreams. Applying ancient wisdom, hard logic, spirituality and common sense, she’s achieved them. Today she writes, speaks and coaches others to overcome life’s challenges and live the life they were born to live, no excuses. The meditative state is a fantastic portal to one’s belief building mechanisms. In a state of relaxation, the mind willingly opens to healing, inspiration and empowering beliefs. That’s the part I can explain with logic, but there is also an energetic effect. The Universe takes note of one’s inner shift and conspires to bring about golden opportunities and synchronistic good fortune. For listeners who want to experience the meditations enter code: “Brad” for 25% off.