The Anima in the Stars ~ Heather Roan Robbins

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: We are at a pivotal, turning-point year in an era-changing planetary pattern (2008 -15) as Uranus and Pluto square repeatedly. The world is changing. We can use the powerful anima archetypes in this moment’s chart to steer this change in a compassionate and wholesome direction. Come explore the feminine side of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and asteroids, think about them in your own chart, and learn to collaborate with them through meditation and dialogue. Heather Roan Robbins, ceremonialist and astrologer for 30+ years, writes "Starcodes" as astrological column by day, not by sign for the Santa Fe New Mexican,, John Edward’s and She trained with some of America's best astrologers on Astro-locality, Mythic and Traditional astrology and has been in active astrological practice since 1978. She specializes in relationship astrology: the relationship between you and your beloved, family, team, work, or life purpose and now practices in St Paul, MN, Santa Fe, NM, Turtle Mountain, ND, and NYC, and by phone.