Moving from Fear to Love in Relationships ~ Jeri Tourand - Aug 18,2011

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: September begins a new mission and focus onInner Guide Healing Radio. Starting tonight, we are being joined by my business partner, Jeri Tourand. Our business, Inner Guide Empowerment, foucses on the three main areas of our life; our hear, our home and our health. We are in the process of completing an ebook called "Moving From Fear to Love In Relationships," as well as contributing to a published book called "Beautiful Seeds" with a few incredible writers. We are also going to be teaching another parenting class, and several other exciting projects. Jeri is a Heart-centered Mother, teacher, speaker, coach,and trainer. Jeri's message is one of LOVE. She believes that the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of relationships we build with our families, our friends and our community. Our first relationships set us up with either a fear-based or love-based approach to all other relationships in our lives. They form our "default setting"; The unfortunate truth is that most of our default settings are fear-based. Moving from FEAR to LOVE is a life-long process that involves some serious self-reflection which will lead to greater self-awareness. At that point it is our choice whether or not to step into our power and open ourselves to love or to remain in fear-based safety, clinging to false and limiting beliefs. Tonight, we are going to discuss again, the subject of moving from fear to love in relationships. As many of you may recall, we aired a similar show a few weeks ago, but there were several technical and other problems, so we are going to discuss this again, in hopes that it will be easier to listen to and follow.