Melanie Hayden-Sparks ~ Be the First Link of Change - Sep 14,2011

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: After an amazing 20 years of business success, Melanie founded H-TRIO to be her legacy and her way of Paying It Forward. The mandate for this unique company is simple, but revolutionary - bring people together to talk about solutions for positive living. There has never been a company like H-TRIO. This company stands as an example of Melanie's loving spirit, creativity and her progressive and entrepreneurial spirit While the launch of a new company brings its fair share of challenges, Melanie's biggest challenge was yet to come Only 10 months into the test marketing of H-TRIO, Melanie was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was a shocking blow for Melanie and her family, yet watching her navigate this devastating experience inspired those around her. We are happy to report that Melanie has made a full recovery and is more motivated than ever to formally launch H-TRIO and make the world a better place Melanie is indeed a force of positive energy. In her career; her health and coaching roles; and as a wife, mother of 3 and very proud grandmother of 4, Melanie has found success in every personal and professional role she's embraced, while never quitting on what she believes in Melanie's motto is: Do what's right - Not what's easy. She believes in people first and profits last and has proven over and over that you can succeed when you do Heart, Health & Home: Do You Remember When Your Living Room Was Your Chatroom? The first online chat room was developed in 1980. Since then, Chatrooms have been overhauled by social networking like Facebook, Twitter and texting as our main means of communication and interaction with each other. It has become apparent that these methods of communication are actually disengaging us from meaningful relationships.