Toe Reading by Nancy Newman

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: Have you ever wondered why your second toe is longer than your big toe?  Or why you have a very tiny little toe?  Maybe you have bunions, blisters or calluses – everything means something.  These are signs your subconscious is trying to use to communicate with you!!  Your beliefs and past experiences travel from your subconscious down your energy meridians and imprint holographically in your toes and feet.  A toe reader's job is to help you interpret these metaphors to know what your subconscious is trying to tell you.  If your beliefs are not creating your desired life experiences, a toe reader can help you choose a different path.  Nancy Newman is a registered Master Toe Reader and the creator of the RE-formation© Process. She is also a licensed Louise Hay Heal Your Life® Coach and Workshop Leader, Reiki Master, and a publishing consultant & senior editor with Visionary Insight Press.   As a writer, a published author and speaker, Nancy empowers people throughout the world to live their authentic lives by sharing her personal stories, facilitating workshops, and teaching the tools for healing, loving yourself and discovering the peace within.