Self-Esteem Doesn't Come in a Bottle - Dec 14,2011

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: Why is it that we are trained to believe that if we use that bottle of "magic" that we're going to feel better about ourselves? What is it in that bottle that is going to make us feel more beautiful and authentic to others? Why is it that people think that Botox is going to make people love them more? Many times Kelly was given a bottle of something that was promised to make her scars disappear and make her beautiful. She knew no matter what it wouldn't work, she knew that her self esteem and beauty had to come from her heart and soul not from the faulty magic. You will learn how this burn survivor didn't feel the need to cover up her scars in order to feel beautiful and greater than great. Kelly Falardeau is a Bestselling Author and an International Motivational Speaker who loves to achieve her dreams and help to inspire others. Friends, family and those who have worked with Kelly all say that Kelly doesn't let fear stop her - when she wants to achieve something, she just does. They also say that the fact that Kelly is a burn survivor since she was two-years-old is so motivating because she does not let circumstances dictate her sucess.