Successfully Navigating Meaningful Agreements in Life - Mar 07,2012

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: Major Meaningful Agreements are a huge part of the life we live, while succesfully intergrating our physical and spiritual selves into one complete whole. These agreements are made at a soul level for a specific reason, season, or life time. All of these agreements are based upon our ultimate growth/expansion and the ultimate expression of Who I (We) Came Here to BE. These agreements allow us to see, with amazing clarity, Who I Am Showing Up As Right NOW, Who I Wish To Show Up As In The Future, as well as Who I Really Am. The ability inherent within these Major Meaningful Agreements for us to see ourselves in past/present/future terms is what allows them to be so powerful in helping us heal from the INside->OUT. We need to clarify past data that has us stuck TODAY, the influence the past data has upon our NOW, as well as removing any need for the past data to poison our future happiness in our relationships. That is the POWER of these Agreements and the ultimate reason we desire to say yes to them when they appear in our lives. Juli DuBois is a clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient intuitive who is passionate about making a difference in people's lives. Having had these gifts since the age of four years old, Juli has spent a lifetime walking in numerous worlds; the physical world of what is seen, the spiritual world of what is unseen, and the many dimensions within those worlds. Juli has a unique gift for translating and making uncommon sense of the information from one world or dimension into another. Her gift for clarity, compassion and honesty make for an inspiring and informative session. With clients spanning the globe, Juli has made a difference in the lives of people searching for clarity on various issues such as loss of a loved one, life purpose, transitions in life, our unique gifts, and Relationships and soul agreements.